One level deeper ....

Reflecting on the 3 chapters of my career:

(1) Consulting: Business Process for effectiveness (4 years) and Technology enabled expansion (4 years)
(2) Founder: Product and Service Company founder (3 years)
(3) Founders right hand: GM, CEO, COO in Connected Home, Connected Health and Industrial IoT, product and service businesses.(10 years)

I believe diverse experience brings value in; effective execution, awareness of potential gotchas, and outstanding coaching.

Owner mentality:  Hard working team player
Fast to growth: Identifies blocks, opportunities, and executes
Creative:  An inventor, facilitator, and creator

Experience unlocks understanding

Experience pairings

Which led to a deeper understanding of:

B2B and B2C

Diversification of Channel, Margin, Business model

Retail and B2B

Need for succinct description of value prop

Consultant and Operator

Quick to diagnosis, aware of impacts of strategy

Big 5 consultancy and founder

80/20 impact of proven methods

Founder and Founder wingman

Tension of original dreams vs. power of focus

IP license and consulting

Sales process friction

Product and Channel innovation

Growth requires consideration of impact on both

Early and mature markets

The incredible value of usable segmentation

Fundraised Corporate and VC

Work required to prep and execute DD and close

Expansion and Focus

Growth comes mostly from more focus on less

Growth by Partnership

Partner motivation and structure incentives are key